Our Mission is to share with all people the joy, love and healing power of Jesus Christ.

You can read along in any language and Bible version from our FB page

About us

Who we are

As disciples of Jesus, we desire to commit ourselves daily to a communal life in which we are devoted to the teachings of the Bible, to fellowship, to serving each other and to prayer.


Fellowship is more than getting together for a Sunday service. Fellowship is doing life together, building relationships and walking together as disciples of Christ.

We encourage each other to meet during the week to read, pray, fellowship and serve.

We would love to do this with you too. If you would like to talk with someone over a cup of coffee or tea please contact us. We will be there.

Reading of Scripture

The Bible is such an amazing book!

This year we are going through the Bible from the beginning to the end reading the story in Chronological order

You can join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 for our Journey Through the Bible age groups. We have groups for all ages (Including Nursery Service).

You can also stay for our gathering as we explore the Word for the week and discover how God still speaks to us through every part of the Bible story


We believe that if God’s grace is powerfully at work in all of us there will be no needy persons among us.

For this reason we try to live as one body and one family providing for each other’s needs.

The first Sunday of each month we share a communal meal that reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice, while we break the bread and pour the juice in an act of service towards each other.


Every week we try to learn more about how to pray for each other.

Let’s pray together with our brothers and sisters that God will help us to glorify Him with everything in our bodies, and while we pray and we trust that as we glorify God in our bodies, we will experience fullness from God which is what we long for.

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?.”

1 Corinthians 6:19

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